Malayan Tiger

Located just off our entrance Plaza, Tiger Forest is a beautiful, 360-degree habitat in our new, 2-acre Asian Trek. Our tigers enjoy two distinct habitats, both with up-close indoor viewing. See a tiger lounging among the temple ruins in our North Habitat or taking a dip in the deep pool in the South. Intelligent and athletic, these animals are given many opportunities to exercise both body and mind. Watch them explore, investigating interesting scents placed by their keepers.

Did You Know?

Number Tropical Forest
15-20 Years
Critically Endangered Declining Population
290lbs, 220lbs Males, females respectively


Southern Thailand

These animals are found only on the Malay Peninsula and in Southern Thailand. Last surveys indicate the wild population consists of fewer than 350 animals. Habitat destruction and lack of appropriate prey items are the greatest threats to these majestic animals.

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Zoo Knoxville Malayan tigers

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